Zink Grafx offers graphic design, logo design, Event Promotion, and Marketing Solution services of the highest quality and will cater to any design problem from tiny to huge for customers all over the globe.
We offer the highest quality in service, customer support and for the best value of money. Don't just take our word for it, check out our qualifications and portfolio.
To get the design process started please email us at [email protected]. We will read over your needs and contact you with a quote and ideas on the job. Please include as much detail as you can about the design project you would like me to complete for you.
**Some things that would be helpful**
Name, email, website, telephone, Fax, Country
Project Details:
Deadline (fixed or flexible), Budget, will you require letterhead and business card design, new project or rebranding
Business Details:
What is your product, service, or event, target audience, how do people learn about your company, who are your competitors, and general business info (location, years in business, employees, etc)
Logo Details:
What is the exact name as you would like it to appear, idea or story behind business name, tagline, message you want to portray, color preference, etc.
Any other information you feel would be helpful please include. Thanks!